E-mail set up for Apple iOS

  1. On the Home screen, tap to open Settings.
    Home Screen window for Apple devices
  2. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Tap Add Account…
    Settings to Mail, Contacts, Calendars window
  3. Tap Add Mail Account.
    Add Mail Account highlighted in Mail, Contacts, Calendars window
  4. Tap Other.
    List of mail account servers in Add Account window
  5. Fill in the Name, Email, and Password Fields; then tap Next.
    New Account window
  6. Tap IMAP. Fill in the incoming and outgoing mail server settings: both are mail.server.net. Nothing is optional even if it tells you it is. Both usernames are your full email address. Tap Next.
    New Account window with IMAP tab selected
  7. Tap Save.
    IMAP window with Save button in top right corner highlighted
    Tap Done.
    Your Email window with Done button in top right corner highlighted
  8. To fix the IMAP folders (so Trash works, etc).
    You must open the account in Mail one time, so it will load the folders. Then go back to Mail, Contacts, Calendars settings. Select the Ricebelt account you just created. Tap Advanced.
    Account window with Advanced option highlighted
  9. For each of the folders under Mailbox behaviors: Tap the Mailbox, and select the proper folder On the Server.
    Advanced window with Mailbox Behaviors highlighted
  10. Here is an example of how the Trash folder should be selected. You should do this for the Sent and Draft folders, too. Notice the checkbox next to the Trash folder.
    Deleted Mailbox window with Trash item highlighted